Embracing Change and Growth in 2024: My Journey from DC to the Eastern Shore of Maryland

Embracing Change and Growth in 2024: My Journey from DC to the Eastern Shore of Maryland

Hello HDID family!

As we begin 2024, I find myself reflecting on the remarkable journey this year has been so far. It's been a year of significant transformation, both personally and professionally. I moved from the bustling city life of DC to the serene Eastern Shore of Maryland, and this change in scenery has opened my eyes to new perspectives and experiences.

Professional and Personal Goals:

Slowing Down: The theme of this year is 'slowing down' – not just in pace but in thought too. Professionally, this means evaluating the services we offer, ensuring they're optimal for our clients and for us. It's about reshaping our client list for a mutually enriching project experience. Personally, it involves setting boundaries, saying no more often, and stepping away from the urge to please everyone.

Practicing Gratitude:  I've had many people suggest this to me over the years, but I've finally been able to make this a daily habit and it's been very fulfilling. In business, it's about staying connected with my work and remembering the 'why' behind what I do, rather than being overwhelmed by problems. On a personal front, it means appreciating the little things and focusing on the positive aspects of my day.

Nurturing Relationships: Relationships, both personal and professional, are the tapestry of life. This year, I'm focusing on nurturing these connections. Professionally, it's about empowering the incredible women at HDID, leveraging their strengths and providing support where needed. Personally, I'm excited to build new networks in Annapolis and the Eastern Shore, exploring fresh opportunities and collaborations.

Travel and Rest: As a creative professional, I've realized how vital breaks are for rejuvenation and inspiration. We've planned family trips to National Parks, a summer getaway to Italy, beach vacations, and hopefully a parents only getaway!  For my team, we're looking forward to reconnecting at Highpoint Market and indulging in more offsite opportunities.

Prioritizing Design: In the whirlwind of managing a business, it's easy to drift away from the creative core. But I built this business on passion for design and at the end of the day that's what motivates me most. I live for every single before and after. This year, I'm committed to pushing the creative boundaries of my clients and inspiring my team to explore their creative horizons!

A Shift from Task-Oriented Goals to Mindset-Oriented Goals

In the past, my goals were more about ticking boxes off a list, often feeling never ending and unachievable. This year marks a shift in my approach. It's about fostering an environment conducive to balancing the roles of being a mom, wife, and business owner. Perfection is a myth I'm letting go of. Instead, my focus is on making each day feel fulfilling.

I hope sharing my journey and goals for 2024 sparks some thought in your own life. It's about realizing that life doesn't always have to be a perfectly balanced equation. Instead, it's about finding joy and fulfillment in the daily ebb and flow, and nurturing growth along the way. Here's to making the most of every moment!

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