Heather Disabella Interior Design

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Design Question? I Can answer (for free)!

Hello out there. How are you doing? But, how are you really doing? I hope you’re ok. I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. These are scary times, but we’re in this together. The way I see it is you can either let this bring you down or you can rise up. I’m choosing to rise and I hope you are too. In this time of great uncertainty, I am feeling so inspired by others in the world. There are so many good people risking their lives every day to help others, to offer support and to do whatever they can to help others. Each of us has a unique gift that can go a long way right now and I encourage you to use yours.

So, in (a very small) effort to do my own part, I want to offer all of you something right now. Starting today, I’m offering free design advice to ANYONE who has a design question or problem with their space. All you have to do is email me your question with the subject line: “I have a design question”. I’ll be responding to each and every question and I’ll even feature a few on the blog. And, for every question submitted HDID will be donating $25 to the Global Giving Coronavirus Relief Fund.

Here are a few examples of frequently asked questions:

  • What paint color should I use in my {insert room name here}?

  • Where should the paint color stop and start in my open floor plan?

  • What color should I paint my kitchen cabinets?

  • How should I style my {insert furniture piece name here}?

  • Where do you typically source {insert furnishing name} here?

  • What size area rug do I need?

  • What artwork will work best on this wall?

So ask away! I’m looking forward to hearing from you.